Watch Chemerical - Redefining Clean For A New Generation


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What is this anyway?

Well, if McDonalds restaurants can track how many hamburgers it serves and promote it by saying "billions and billions" served, why can't we do the same, sorta.
Here at Chemerical, we are all about detoxifying homes, schools, workplaces, and anywhere you spend your time. So we want to know how we are all doing. We also want your efforts to be counted.
Our toxic tally does just that. You simply put the amount of toxic products you removed from your home and get added to the tally. While you are at it, why not tell your friends on Facebook and Twitter. Maybe you will inspire them to do the same.



From the creator of the award winning film "Garbage! The Revolution Starts At Home" (Sundance Channel, Super Channel) comes a shocking tale about the products we use to clean our homes and bodies.

"Chemerical" explores the life cycle of everyday household cleaners and hygiene products to prove that, thanks to our clean obsession, we are drowning in sea of toxicity.

The film is at once humorous, as we watch the Goode family try to turn a new leaf by creating and living in a toxic free home, and informative, as director Andrew Nisker works with many experts to give audiences the tools and inspiration to live toxic free.

Chemerical tackles "the toxic debate" in a truly informative and entertaining way, not only by raising awareness, but most importantly by providing simple solutions.

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